Today, we want to
share where we are (going)
inspire you to reflect where you are
ask and share how we can serve you
and remember how our lives are connected by a deep longing to live differently, aligned with our truth.
Let's dive into it (maybe with a tea and your journal?)
These days are so different.
Karen and I (Teresa) are visiting family and friends, following an inner calling to gain perspective, reflect deeply and invite (another layer of) freedom, fun and alignment with our own needs and inner longing. Michi is excited about diving deep into syntropic agroforestry, planting trees, preparing a new well for drinking water, meeting new people and just decided to join the global tribe summer gathering. We are continuing to work on our projects, to plant new seeds for a new chapter and nourish the one's we've planted in the last months and years.
We’ll all meet at the end of August, back in Maitreya, ready for new projects, continuing building community and a life in alignment and harmony with nature and our vision.
And while we experienced a lot of fun, waves of pure joy, deep connection and gratitude in the past months, we were also asked to sit with some big and challenging topics (voluntarily).
We want to grow as a community, explore how we can all follow our interests, share our gifts and contribute to a bigger vision. Radical honesty, vulnerability and compassion became our most important foundation for sharing our truth.
And therefore, we need to feel, right?
Tune into how we actually feel about plans, commitments, structures and ideas.
We need to become softer, more quiet and curious.
How else are we able to listen to our own voice? Our intuition?
If you’ve been living and working in a system, that you haven’t created yourself (like, mh all of us?) the odds are high that the ability to tune into your own heart, your rhythm and truth were numbed over time. That it feels almost impossible at times to really know what you need and (don’t) want.
My question for you is: where are you right now? Is this place, situation and your inner state reflecting what your heart is longing for? What emotions are coming to the surface while you’re asking this question?
We’d love for you to live a life aligned with your truth.
We’d love that this community feels supportive and nourishing for your unique path.
While we’re creating something BIG in the background, we want to invite you to our next online new moon ceremony on the 5th of July.

What to expect
a guided meditation to open the space
more musings on this seasons magic and its invitation to come home to yourself, feel your emotions and allow them to guide you to a deeper truth, to the beliefs that cause challenging emotions in the first place
a gentle yoga practice to connect with the water element inside of you (water is related to you emotional body, intuition, trust, creativity, sensitivity and yin energy)
Journaling to become more aware of the ways you kept yourself small and what supports the process of shedding these protective layers
Breathwork to let your body support you to soften, receive and feel at home within yourself
Space for sharing to invite your experience into the room, your truth
While we believe that everyone would benefit from these spaces, circles and rituals, we also want to acknowledge other interests and intentions!
We want to nourish this community in different ways, both online and in person. Our offerings become more impactful and meaningful, whenever we feel they are aligned with both: our passions, gifts, the season and your needs and interests!
So in the next newsletter, we’ll send you a link to a short questionnaire (thought about setting up one just quickly, but I choose to stay focused on our next project that we’ll launch on Tuesday - so jump to Instagram or our Website next week! Just a little glimpse: Karen and I are working on our biggest co-creation yet, a journey towards feeling rooted in your worth, dissolving self doubt and judgement and leaning into trust).
In the meantime, if you do want to share what your interested in, what you want to read more about, just reply here, we’d love to connect with you that way!
If you’re thinking about coming (back) to Maitreya this year, or would love to just (re)connect, you might be interested in a zoom call for exciting updates about our work in the garden, our plans for late summer and autumn, for getting to know us and questions. We’ll announce it soon!
Sign up for our newsletter to join a beautiful community.
Just a few more words:
We want to thank you for being part of this community and this vision.
We feel humbled and grateful for all the support and love this place and vision receives every day.
It is so much bigger than “just another project”.
There’s so much potential whenever we trust that we actually can do things differently.
More aligned with our hearts, our values and needs.
It’s a place that brings forth your gifts, longing and dreams — and what’s been in the way.
Can you feel it? Have you felt it?
We can’t wait to connect, co-create, collaborate and live life with you!
Here’s how:
Sending you much love and gratitude!