Maitreya Healing Biotope
Maitreya is a place for transformational living, a healing biotope, that supports inner growth and a sustainable way of life. Guided by the ethics of permaculture, we strive for a harmonious coexistence with nature.
We are an intentional, off-grid eco-community which is located in the midst of the semi-arid nature in Southern Spain. We're committed to openness and a non-judgmental, no-harm approach. This helps us to establish a more compassionate way of dealing with each other, our environment and the world.
As a healing biotope, we want to co-create a place that serves all living beings. We hope to inspire people from diverse backgrounds on their individual pathways of finding wholeness in their lives.
Read more about our vision here.

Our Vision
1. Life in harmony with nature
Our project strives for a peaceful cooperation with nature and the loving coexistence of humans, animals, plants and other life forms. Healing our relationship with the planet and each other needs a holistic perspective and the acknowledgment that everything is interconnected. Here, Permaculture provides us with the necessary methods to learn from nature and its cycles. It also grants us the ethical foundation and tools for a non-harmful, life-enhancing relationship with our surroundings. Transforming the land into a green, lush and vibrant ecosystem will create a habitat for many species and ensure that Maitreya radiates an atmosphere of family and community.
2. Community values
Our community values openness towards people with different ideas and perspectives. Through gathering a tribe of diverse generations and backgrounds, we wish to enrich Maitreya with wisdom and beauty, and to deepen our own understanding of the world. Inspired by the ideas of the community Tamera, we are passionate to reestablish trust in our daily interactions and towards life itself. As we cultivate commitment, self-responsibility and integrity, we feel stability and grow together. It thus becomes possible to together face the ongoing changes around us and support each other's learning processes. Making an effort to really see each other without judgement results in a deeper level of compassion for everyone. This guarantees an ever-renewing, spirited environment which benefits us all.
3. Learning and sharing
At the core of our vision lies our enthousiasm for learning and the exchange of insights, experiences and aliveness. Therefore we are open to skillful people who would like to share their gifts with us. While creating an educational platform and passing on learnings, we want to serve as an modelling pillar for a new Earth. It is our wish to encourage visitors in spreading seeds of their unique approach for change. We're excited to create networks based on cooperation instead of competition, so that jointly we can shape a resilient system. While trying to be part of healing the many crises humanity is facing, we don't forget celebrate the magic of life as well!
Why Maitreya?
“The next Buddha will be named Maitreya, the Buddha of Love. I think Maitreya Buddha may be a community and not just an individual” - Thich Nhat Hanh
As words carry energy and intention, it was important for us to choose a name for our project which has beauty and meaning.
Maitreya derives from the Sanskrit word maitrÄ«, which means kindness, benevolence and love. Maitreya also represents a friend and guide with a character of loving kindness. Other meanings are counselor, elder or teacher. The essence of Maitreya could be described as “The Compassionate One”. In the Mahayana Buddhist tradition, it is also said that Maitreya is the name of a Bodhisattva, a future Buddha who will come to this earth. The old Vedic texts state that ancient Yogis wanted to create the energy of a teacher that has the ability to reach people from all backgrounds, languages and cultures in order to heal the world.
This description resonated with our vision. As a healing biotope, we want to cocreate a place that serves as a compassionate, loving guide to help all living beings and people from diverse economic, social and cultural backgrounds on their individual pathways of healing.
What is a Healing Biotope?

"When we align with the universal patterns of life, healing happens 'by itself'. Healing Biotopes aim to establish a social, ecological and economic framework that allow life’s self-healing powers to unfold and shape human culture."- Healing Biotopes Plan Online Course by Tamera
The healing biotope plan for a nonviolent civilization originates from Tamera, a community and experimental peace research center in Southern Portugal. Thrilled by their vision and approach to work towards profound system change, we have set sail for our very own journey.
A healing biotope is a place to find comprehensive solutions for the crises of our times. It explores and develops answers of how life-affirming social structures can look like. At the core of this concept stands the commitment to overcome ideas of separation and to reintegrate back into the larger whole of life. Hence, healing biotopes are dedicated to engender a culture of reconnection with life, of unreserved trust and full cooperation among all beings.
As decentralised and autonomous communities, healing biotopes are an emerging web of laboratories for holistic change. Their intention is to advance complex and coherent lived information in service of global healing. By uniting as models for the future, they try to lay the foundation for a new planetary culture.
We are grateful for the courage and tireless efforts of the people in Tamera to make a difference in this world.
If you want to learn more about Tamera, click here.